News about Sam and Mattie Make A Zombie Movie!

Sam & Mattie Make A Zombie Movie is finally available as of tomorrow!

For those of you that don't know about the film that changed all of our lives, please keep reading! (I promise it will take less than 2 minutes to read the whole's that good!)

Although I think it’s nearly impossible to fit the entire experience into one film, they sure did. Heck! Even Peter Farrelly (yes, the ACADEMY AWARD winning, Something About Mary, Dumb and Dumber Peter Farrelly!) executive produced this film. DJ Pauly D appears in the epic finale, Conan O’Brien loved it and even had Sam and Mattie as special guests on his show, and numerous other news outlets like TIME, PBS, and People have published stories about Sam and Mattie! Sam and Mattie had a dream and they brought a community together, families together, and people from all over the world together. I think I speak for everyone in saying that this was one of the greatest experiences of all our collective lives. We rocked on and went wild all thanks to Sam and Mattie NEVER GIVING UP! The movie comes out TOMORROW! You will love it and you will fall in love with Sam and Mattie!

Executive produced by Oscar-winning filmmaker Peter Farrelly, this documentary shatters disability stereotypes, champions the independent spirit, and features over 70 gallons of fake blood! During production, we received media coverage from the "Today Show," Time magazine, "Conan," "PBS News Hour," and many more.

Tomorrow's release is the epic conclusion of Sam and Mattie’s 10+ year journey to storyboard, script, produce, cast, and star in their own dream movie, which earned national attention when it was released in 2016, and is “destined to become a cult classic,” in the words of CBS Sunday Morning.